Pakistan Textile Council

Open Positions


Job Title



Application Deadline


F6, Islamabad

Media and Strategy

23:59, May17, 2024

What We Do

Pakistan Textile Council (PTC) is a not-for-profit public limited company set up to serve as a research, advocacy and impact acceleration platform for the Pakistan textile and apparel sector. Our mission is to help shape a path of sustainable growth for Pakistan’s textile and apparel sector, and deliver economic and societal impact, putting Pakistan first. The Council aims to put on the table key topics for sustainable development of Pakistan’s textile sector – bringing together relevant stakeholders, establishing the key facts, and facilitating good decision-making at home and abroad. PTC aspires to help shape a new path and narrative for Pakistan’s textile sector, and to support the government in formulating globally comparable medium- and long-term policies, with the following objectives:I. Enable increased local and foreign investment in growth, innovation, and sustainability in the textile and apparel industry – making Pakistan a sourcing destination of choiceII. Generate employment and sustenance with decent work standards and gender equality, thereby contributing to economic and social development outcomesIII. Make Pakistan textile and apparel sector internationally competitive and spur textile and apparel exports, generating valuable foreign exchange and contributing to a stable, sustainable, and prosperous future for Pakistan PTC aims to work on industry level topics with key stakeholders of the textile and apparel sector in Pakistan and overseas, i.e., Government of Pakistan and its relevant entities, relevant domestic and multilateral agencies/institutions, international governments, NGOs and trade bodies, international buyers and related bodies, industry analysts, research bodies, media, etc.The Council aspires to serve the entire textile and apparel value chain, end-to-end (from fiber to finished products and back, including recycling), across all layers (large players and SMEs). Textiles is the largest export sector for Pakistan and a key engine for our economy. PTC has been established and is sponsored by the below mentioned 31 of the largest, most progressive textile and apparel manufacturers in Pakistan. These companies collectively represent ~18%of total country exports and approximately 1/3rd of textile and apparel exports. Our mandate and intentions are to ‘put Pakistan first’ and contribute towards achieving Pakistan’s economic and societal goals.